leaded panel restoration



Before: glass separated from lead channel due to expansion and contraction

Before: cement deterioration + poorly done silicone patch

Before: poorly done silicone patch

Before: old solder joint failure

Process: deconstructing the panel

Process: cleaning the old cement, silicone and grime

Process: after a fresh cleaning soak and scraping

Process: re-leading

Process: joint intersection detail

Process: soldering

Process: soldering

Process: cementing the lead channels

Process: cementing the lead channels

Process: curing cement

Process: cement clean up

Process: patina

Process: patina detail

Process: patina detail

Process: bedding panel to sash

Process: bedding panel to sash

Process: bedding panel to sash

Process: waxed and ready for instal / new paint and trim

Process: installed and awaiting trim and paint

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